Help on Dashboard State Definitions

"total_hosts": 193,"bad_hosts": 3,"bad_hosts_enabled": 3,"active_hosts": 15,
"active_hosts_ok": 15,"active_hosts_ok_enabled": 15,"ok_hosts": 165,"
ok_hosts_enabled": 165,"out_of_sync_hosts": 8,"out_of_sync_hosts_enabled": 8
,"disabled_hosts": 0,"pending_hosts": 1,"pending_hosts_enabled": 1,"
good_hosts": 180,"good_hosts_enabled": 180,"percentage": 85,"reports_missing
": 1

By hitting the /api/dashboard endpoint I get the above information.

I am unclear on the definitions for a few of these data points:

  1. Ok hosts = good hosts - active hosts?
  2. Good hosts = total hosts - bad hosts - out of sync hosts - pending
    hosts - reports_missing?
  3. Does reports_missing factor into any of the (other) counts or


> "total_hosts": 193,"bad_hosts": 3,"bad_hosts_enabled": 3,"active_hosts": 15,
> "active_hosts_ok": 15,"active_hosts_ok_enabled": 15,"ok_hosts": 165,"
> ok_hosts_enabled": 165,"out_of_sync_hosts": 8,"out_of_sync_hosts_enabled": 8
> ,"disabled_hosts": 0,"pending_hosts": 1,"pending_hosts_enabled": 1,"
> good_hosts": 180,"good_hosts_enabled": 180,"percentage": 85,"reports_missing
> ": 1
> By hitting the /api/dashboard endpoint I get the above information.
> I am unclear on the definitions for a few of these data points:
> 1. Ok hosts = good hosts - active hosts?

OK hosts = hosts with recent (sooner than the outofsync interval)
successful (no errors, no changes, no pending changes)

> 2. Good hosts = total hosts - bad hosts - out of sync hosts - pending
> hosts - reports_missing?

Good hosts = OK hosts + active hosts OK (last report is recent, with changes)

> 3. Does reports_missing factor into any of the (other) counts or
> percentage?

Not sure I understand the question. reports_missing represents the
number of hosts that don't have a last report

I realize this whole data isn't easy to understand at all, we should
include some help. A link to the manual with info in the API
response might even be enough.

I've opened a ticket to keep track of this problem:

You can read more about Foreman host statuses at


··· On 04/27, Eric Rodriguez wrote:

Daniel Lobato Garcia

