Host Group Activation Keys

After upgrading to 3.10 / Katello 4.12, the activation keys textbox on the Host Group - Activation Keys tab is no longer visible.

Expected outcome:
The text box used to be there and was editable. Now it pops up momentarily the first page load and then it disappears.

Foreman and Proxy versions:
3.10 / Katello 4.12

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

Distribution and version:
Rocky 8.10

Other relevant data:
I don’t know what to look for to address this. If I inspect the elements of the page, this element is supposed to be the textbox, but it does not enable properly.

foreman-react-component name=“TypeAheadSelect” data-props=“{"id":"kt_activation_keys","multiple":true,"allowNew":true}”></foreman-react-component

Anyone have any ideas how to address it?

Deveoper tools console shows the following:

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘kt_activation_keys’)
at a.selectTypeAheadSelectExists (TypeAheadSelectSelectors.js:8:47)
at index.js:25:39
at useSelector.js:29:23
at useSelector.js:106:25
at u (index.js:25:18)
at Ka (react-dom.production.min.js:153:146)
at Ai (react-dom.production.min.js:175:309)
at hl (react-dom.production.min.js:263:406)
at sc (react-dom.production.min.js:246:265)
at lc (react-dom.production.min.js:246:194)

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘kt_activation_keys’)
at a.selectTypeAheadSelectExists (TypeAheadSelectSelectors.js:8:47)
at index.js:25:39
at useSelector.js:29:23
at useSelector.js:106:25
at u (index.js:25:18)
at Ka (react-dom.production.min.js:153:146)
at Ai (react-dom.production.min.js:175:309)
at hl (react-dom.production.min.js:263:406)
at sc (react-dom.production.min.js:246:265)
at lc (react-dom.production.min.js:246:194)

[DOM] Found 2 elements with non-unique id #: (More info: Create Amazing Password Forms)

input multiple=“multiple” value=“1” id=“” autocomplete=“off” type=“hidden” name=“hostgroup[organization_ids]

This looks like Bug #37476: update ak results in hostgroup - Katello - Foreman which should be in Katello 4.12.1 and 4.13. Are you not on 4.12.1?

cc @MariaAga


Let me see if upgrading picks up the patched version. Thanks

Its not released for GA yet I suppose:

dnf list katello*

Last metadata expiration check: 2:21:12 ago on Fri 07 Jun 2024 01:07:04 PM EDT.
Installed Packages
katello.noarch 4.12.0-1.el8 @katello
katello-certs-tools.noarch 2.9.0-2.el8 @foreman
katello-client-bootstrap.noarch 1.7.9-2.el8 @katello
katello-common.noarch 4.12.0-1.el8 @katello
katello-debug.noarch 4.12.0-1.el8 @katello
katello-repos.noarch 4.12.0-1.el8 @@commandline
katello-selinux.noarch 5.0.2-1.el8 @katello

That patch says its for “selecting lifecycle env does not update the ak results in new host group”. May issue may be related but its not the same problem.

Fixes #37370 - refactor ak in hostgroups to react by MariaAga · Pull Request #10965 · Katello/katello · GitHub Would be the fix probably
TypeAheadSelect was removed from it as it was removed in foreman

Thanks for the info. I guess we’ll have to see what happens when 4.13 is released. It just means I’ll have to manually apply repo sets until I can get the AKs working again.

Activation Keys tab is missing. you can fix this problem with these steps

  1. Clear browser cache and refresh.
  2. Verify user permissions.
  3. Check browser console for errors.
  4. Review Katello/Foreman configuration.
  5. Update Katello/Foreman.
  6. Seek help from community or support
    I hope this will help you,
    Thank you