How can we use authorization in foreman Rest API In Ruby

I am Implementing foreman rest api in ruby, where i need to authenticate every api, for which i am using basic auth, and it is working fine.

But i need authentication via consumer key & consumer secret

My code is

uri = URI.parse("")
host_param = {host: {architecture_id: 1, build: "false", domain_id: 1, enabled: "true", environment_id: 1, hostgroup_id: 1, mac: "ec:b1:d7:50:40:e9", medium_id: 9,model_id: 1, name: "r8sysdpl010.localdomain", operatingsystem_id: 1, owner_id: 3, owner_type:"User", ptable_id: 120, puppet_status: "0"}}
header = {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}
http =, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
request =, header)
request.basic_auth("admin", "masked")
request.body = host_param.to_json
response = http.request(request)
if response.code == "301"
  response =  Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(response.header['location']))
@response = response.body

Do you mean the consumer info from a host registered with

Here’s the code that passes that info on to candlepin calls, if it helps.

If you mean just Foreman, then we have some helpers here that could serve as inspiration.

I’m sure apipie-bindings could also provide you with oauth but I don’t see a simple example.

No, actually i mean to say, i want call this API “
with consumer key and consumer secret in authorization header

But i did not see anything on internet regarding authentication of this rest API with key and secret,

equest.basic_auth(“admin”, “masked”)

No, actually i mean to say, i want call this API “”
with consumer key and consumer secret in authorization header

But i did not see anything on internet regarding authentication of this rest API with key and secret,

Thank thomas for your reply,

But actually i need Authorization header with this API call, i don’t want do with basic ouath.