How to update epel template from 6.5 to 6.8?


I just pushed fix into our community templates repository. You can find
up-to-date epel snippet here:

In the upcoming Foreman version, you will be able to synchronize your
templates against a git repo. Until then, you can copy-paste it from

Unfortunately EPEL project does not provide a "stable" symlink that
would not change. We need to keep bumping the release number.

> [snip]
> when "6"
> epel_url.gsub!("$os","6-8")
> else
> [snip]
> However, I can’t get my existing server to take the new template. If I go
> to host / select hostname / templates / review, it still says
> su -c 'rpm -Uvh
> instead of 6.8.
> How do I force the server, or preferably all the servers, to refresh their
> epel template?

This should really work out of box. Are you sure the template got saved?
Is the template associated with the correct OS?


I was thinking - maybe to add a little test to the community-templates
that would try to contact various urls? Like trying to render with all
possible values and then using some HTML tools trying to visit all links
(head http request)


··· -- Later,

Lukas “lzap” Zapletal
irc: lzap #theforeman