I am attempting to use the foreman-installer to install a second katello 3.15 primary server to achieve HA. Mongo and postgres DB are remote. Installer failes on step I have asked it not to perform: foreman-db-manage-rake “false” how does one install a second katello server?
@ehelms I think this is an architecture you’re familiar with. Any guidance here?
Technically it may work, but you are moving yourself on territory few have been. For example, Pulp relies on the filesystem as well, so you must make sure /var/lib/pulp
is on some shared storage. There are probably others which I haven’t considered yet. I have no idea how Candlepin behaves if you would run it HA. I highly doubt our setup supports that. It also doesn’t support turning those parts off. The only HA Katello deployment that I know of uses the Puppet modules directly. Even that has some challenges.
I am also trying to add second foreman Katello server to existing Foreman environment. The postgres DB is on a different VM.
This is the commadn I am trying to run
sudo foreman-installer
–scenario katello
–foreman-db-database foreman
–foreman-db-manage false
–katello-candlepin-db-name candlepin
–katello-candlepin-manage-db false
–foreman-proxy-content-pulpcore-manage-postgresql false
–foreman-proxy-content-pulpcore-postgresql-user pulpcore
–foreman-proxy-content-pulpcore-postgresql-db-name pulpcore
Can someone help me to overcome this issue ?
I know this is old topic, but I am wondering about the same.
Since version 3.15 Katello is using Postgresql across all Katello components (No more MongoDB!).
So thereotically it is possible now?
Can I get decent performance gains by using Katallo in HA mode, like following?
KatelloA Server
KatelloB Server
Database Server
LoadBalancer between A and B.
Someone tried that?
I just wanted to tell all interested that I gave up doing that. It seems there’s no easy way of doing it. It is just not worth it.
There are some officially supported scenarios for load balancing, but they all involve multiple external smart proxies. You can have load balancers for content, and REX has its own notion of load balancing for choosing which smart proxy to assign jobs from.
There isn’t a supported HA scenario with more than one Foreman/Katello main server.