I am setting up local repository for ubuntu in katello-foreman. what would be the release/component names for third party package to sync from jfrog server

I am setting up local repository for ubuntu in katello-foreman. what would be the release/component names for third party package to sync from jfrog server

I don’t know what jfrog server is. Do you have a URL that I can look at (or is this something that isn’t in the public internet)?

In general the APT repo structure goes as follows:




To sync something like this into your Katello repo use <repo_base_url> as the “Upstream URL”, and <distribution> for the “Releases/Distributions” field.

You do not need to set the “Components” or “Architectures” fields (not setting them means “sync all available”). If you do want to set them, check the Release/InRelease file you want to sync, it has the exact same fields in there. Choose a subset.

I hope that helps.

Jfrog is a local repository server where I will place my third party deb packages. Now I wants to sync these third party deb packages to my katello-foreman.

Upstream URL: my local upstream local jfrog server( it contains multiple deb packages from different vendors)

Releases: < what would be release name for the non-official deb packages>
Components : I will leave it blank

Architectures : amd64 or i386, or i will leave it blank.

Are the deb packages stored on the server as an APT repository with a APT repository metadata (Release/InRelease) file, or is it just a directory with .deb package files in it?

In general you can only sync APT repositories to Katello, there is no feature to “sync” a pile of .deb packages (you can upload individual .deb package files, which maybe could be automated/scripted with Hammer to upload a “pile of” .deb package files, but I am not sure what would be involved in that exactly).

If you do have an APT repository on your jfrog server, then just navigate to the “dists/” folder in your APT repository on your jfrog server. Whatever path is between the “dists/” folder and the Release/InRelease file, that is what you need to put in the “Releases:” field (don’t use a trailing slash). Without knowing the folder structure of your hosted files on your jfrog server that is really all I can say…

Hi quba42,
Thank you for the update. Below are the steps that i am performing.

  1. tenable agent , vmware-login-insight agent,NessasAgent. these packages I need to put in my local jfrog repository. While I put them, it asks the corresponding release/distribution and component name for above packages. How do i get the required details for the same. These are non-official deb packages, so getting the distribution name is not known.
    Any idea.Thanks.

It sounds like you are asking questions about jfrog usage, if so, you should really ask in a jfrog forum.

That being said, if you are creating your own APT repository (using jfrog), you can call the releases and components whatever you want, it is your repository. You can then sync your custom releases/components into Katello by specifying them there.