I got "403 Client Error: Forbidden" a part of the callback to Foreman server from the server running the Ansible


After installing and “configuring” the Foreman’s Ansible plugin to callback, I got the following errors.

One from the Ansible command execution (in my case Foreman, Foreman Smart Proxy, Ansible Server, Puppet Server and Puppet CA are installed under the same server)

Expected outcome:

The information of the host where the Ansible is executed on should be passed to Foreman.

Foreman and Proxy versions:


Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

1.15.6 and for Ansible Plugin 1.4.5

Welcome @pjbarbero!

I noticed multiple “SSL is required” errors following requests to api/v2/hosts/facts. Have you set up the FOREMAN_SSL_KEY and FOREMAN_SSL_CERT variables so that the requests are sent using the right certificates?

Foreman :: Plugin Manuals contains some help on how to do this. Generally on /etc/httpd/conf.d/ look for the Foreman SSL configuration and ‘SSLCertificateKeyFile’, etc… for the certificates path.

Hi Daniel, :slight_smile:

Well, you were right, after following all the steps described in the documentation I realized that there was typo error in the variables declaration .

Any way I had some doubts about those variables definition process, please give me more time to share them with you because I have to revieweby them again.

So that know apparently the problem was fixed, but now I ran into this other one. :rofl:

May be I should have to create another post for this…


Well, sorry. I think this could be the reason fir the problem I have…

Apparently the problem is regarding the Python version I have.


But now the question which come to me is, could I upgrade the Python version installed without affecting my Foreman installation. Since, I am working in a tiny lab with all the elements installed on the same server. I mean Foreman, Foreman Smart Proxy, Ansible, Puppet Master and Puppet CA.


After doing some more research I think my last statement about the root cause for having those new errors is not correct. I am trying to find out what it could be real problem.

Any help is always welcome.

Did you ever get this to work?\
