I want to create postgresql repositories but not sure how these repositories(in foreman) will determine os release version and architecture on client to push the correct packages to servers


I want to create postgresql repositories on foreman with katello, in such a way that when these updates are pushed to clients they are pushed with correct release version and arch

Expected outcome:
For example, there is a server running RHEL 8.8, so if i want to install/update postgresql, the foreman should push postgresql updates related to RHEL 8.8 version and in future if i update the RHEL from 8.8 to 8.9, foreman should check for updates for version 8.9 and push it to clients as well for version 8.9 in the next update.

How this can be achieved ?
Foreman and Proxy versions:

Distribution and version:
CentOS 8 stream

Setting releasever isn’t supported for custom products; it’s set automatically for Red Hat products and cannot be changed.

In the repository details screen, you can set “Restrict to Architecture” and “Restrict to OS Version,” but the OS version restriction is only RHEL 8 or RHEL 9. Unfortunately the setting isn’t granular enough to restrict to 8.8 or 8.9.

Another option is content views and/or filters, but that may be too complex for this use case.

For more information and general strategy recommendations, see Managing Content