Infra SIG meeting 2023-08-10

Present: @evgeni (chair), @ekohl (notes), @ehelms, @pcreech


In progress

Investigate Copr as the build system · Issue #1795 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub

Pretty far, have all test builds. The biggest challenge now is that we can’t use the modularity functionality in COPR itself, so we need to do that ourselves. Some discussion ongoing on how to exactly do that in our CI, keeping storage and network traffic in mind.

@evgeni has suggested to only host the metadata and point to actual COPR repositories for the real RPMs. Do that work on Jenkins and then upload that to a new (to be created) vhost on web02.

@ehelms is also fairly far with scratch builds and confident that works

COPR can also build on other architectures like ARM, so we can revisit adding (client) packages for more architectures

Set up a Monitoring System · Issue #471 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub

Priority is raised since we no longer host on Rackspace, which had some built in monitoring.

Investigate Azure's FOSS credits program · Issue #1671 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub

Question to @Odilhao what to do with this.


Migrate Discourse off of Scaleway VM · Issue #1710 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub

Raised priority since the boot mechanism we use is deprecated by Scaleway, which gives a risk of data loss.

Update Redmine and move to new infrastructure · Issue #1681 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub

Raised priority since the boot mechanism we use is deprecated by Scaleway, which gives a risk of data loss.

@evgeni has requested resources at OSCI (where already run the prprocessor) to migrate Redmine there. Way back in the day we actually ran Redmine on OpenShift v2 so it should be well suited to it and the PRProcessor is stable