Infrastructure SIG meeting 2024-03-21

Present: @evgeni (chair), @ekohl (notes), @ehelms

To do

split and move web to EL9 · Issue #1724 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub

Our webserver is running EL7 now, which will be EOL after June. We’ve agreed on splitting up the machine into smaller, more focused, machines. See split and move web to EL9 · Issue #1724 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub.

We’ll start with deprecating the rsync access and limit to just HTTP(S). This is blocked by the rsync requirement in our own infra, which use a local path when copying things from stagingyum to yum by evgeni · Pull Request #2040 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub should fix.

We’ve also discussed moving the website to GitHub Pages. We’ll lose our HTTP logs, which we currently use to determine version usage from RSS feeds. Even though for the past year or 2 we haven’t done so. It does relate to the privacy policy because we’ll send data elsewhere.

While reading it: we have Google Analytics on our website, but it’s doubtful anyone looks at this now. Who even has access to this data? It’s best to drop it now and revisit the topic if someone does want to invest into this. Drop Google Analytics from our website by ekohl · Pull Request #2136 · theforeman/ · GitHub

move EL Jenkins nodes to EL9 · Issue #1706 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub

While we have migrated our nodes to EL8 (to give us newer RPM tooling), it will need to be updated to EL9 because CentOS Stream 8 will be EOL at the end of May.

RVM gave us problems on EL9, so rbenv is being investigated.

stop using centos jenkins now that Duffy API is available on the Internet · Issue #1828 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub

Related: it may be interesting to look at using Testing Farm: Testing Farm :: Testing Farm

Update Jenkins to 2.441 · Issue #2031 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub

Planned for today (Monday). We postponed it a bit so 3.10.0 could be released GA last week.

Proposal: Update yum repository layout to be per repository · Issue #1937 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub

Will happen together with move EL Jenkins nodes to EL9 · Issue #1706 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub