Infrastructure SIG meeting 2024-06-27

Present: @evgeni (chair), @ekohl (notes), @ehelms


Document old Debian release archival procedure · Issue #1666 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub

finally done, including a change to the release procedure so it gets executed.

In progress

move EL Jenkins nodes to EL9 · Issue #1706 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub

First nodes are online look correct and no issues were observed. Once 3.9 is gone we can drop the EL8 nodes (because there’s no more need for NodeJS 14). Drop Foreman 3.9 & Katello 4.11 pipelines by ekohl · Pull Request #481 · theforeman/jenkins-jobs · GitHub has been opened.

split and move web to EL9 · Issue #1724 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub

No progress. Plan is ready, needs to be executed

upgrade puppet01 to EL9 · Issue #2051 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub

@evgeni will leapp this to EL9

upgrade foreman01 to EL9 · Issue #2052 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub

@evgeni will update to latest Foreman and leapp this to EL9

Document Azure's FOSS credits program · Issue #1671 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub

Updated the description to reflect it needs to be documented.

Decomission Koji setup · Issue #2006 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub

Machines have been shut down, we can remove them.

Also need to update docs referring to this.

To do

redmine:production.log is not rotated and grows indefinetly · Issue #1989 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub

production.log was moved to journal, but now rsyslog fills up the disk. We can probably move to journald and set a maximum file size there.

Replace exim Puppet module (or exim) · Issue #1692 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub

Drop exim module by ekohl · Pull Request #2005 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub has been open for a while. We can either merge it now (and trust unmanaged exim is good enough) or wait for web01 to be migrated.

Publish stats based on RSS feed data in the newsletter · Issue #1699 · theforeman/foreman-infra · GitHub

There is no more newsletter anymore and nobody has asked for this data. Do we still want this? Our current method will break once we move our website to the CDN or GH pages.


@ekohl brought up that we haven’t cleaned up our GitHub permissions in a while. It was agreed this was a good thing and Cleaning up GitHub permissions summarized the result.