Installing Foreman 2 with Katello on Centos 7.8

The steps I followed here: Foreman :: Plugin Manuals
to install Foreman with Katello always ends up with errors relating to ncat

foreman bash[10327]: ncat: invalid option – ‘z’
foreman bash[10327]: Ncat: Try `–help’ or man(1) ncat for more information, usage options and help. QUITTING.

Have tried downgrading ncat to 6.01, which works but still gives errors later on during the installation as it tried to install its own ncat

Any help is appreciated

Expected outcome:
Installer does not work as it should

Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman 2
Katello 3.15 and Nightly

There was a report about this with CentOS Atomic, but in regular CentOS it appeared to be present.

It has an alternative but nobody submitted a patch and it hasn’t been a priority until now.