At work we are already using Puppet, and I am wanting to test Foreman to possibly replace a number of other functions. It is my understanding that I can integrate Foreman with my existing Puppet setup by having Foreman running on a new VM and install a smart proxy on the existing Puppet server and connect the smart proxy in to the Foreman VM. I’ve already started testing this, but I’m getting self signed certificate errors when I try to connect the smart proxy. I didn’t use the foreman-installer I manually installed the foreman-proxy packages and maybe that is my mistake. Is there a way to accept a self signed cert? I can get a cert from a CA but I’d actually prefer the self signed if possible.
Expected outcome:
Integrating new Foreman install with existing Puppet setup.
Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:
Distribution and version:
Rocky Linux 8.10
Other relevant data:
forman-proxy settings.yml:
:settings_directory: /etc/foreman-proxy/settings.d
:ssl_ca_file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
:ssl_certificate: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/
:ssl_private_key: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/
:bind_host: '*'
:https_port: 8443
:log_file: /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log
:log_level: INFO
:log_buffer: 2000
:log_buffer_errors: 1000