IPv6 IPAM suport

Currently we support the following IPAM mechanisms for IPv6 address management:

  • eui64
  • db
  • external_ipam
  • none

I would like to know if it is enough to run an IPv6-only network with foreman, or do we need to support also DHCP mode for IPAM.

I think this depends whether our IPv6 provisioning will still require stateful DHCP configuration. That is being discussed at RFC: Supporting IPv6 in Provisioning, Registration & KEA - #7 by ekohl

Our provisioning does not require stateful DHCP, we can use all the other stateless IPAM modes already.
I guess my question is how important the support for DHCP IPAM is, and how usable the provisioning will be without the DHCP IPAM option. Basically, would it be a dealbreaker that will move people away from using Foreman for provisioning.