Is there any proper document start to end how to install, configure and patch the server and generate patch report?

Kindly help me out with this. i am stuck in from last 3 months

Hi @sonu

I am unsure what you’re exactly looking for, but we have docs on how to install Foreman Server with Katello plug-in on EL8: Installing Foreman Server with Katello 4.11 Plugin on CentOS/RHEL

If you want to know more about the content on your hosts or available package updates: Managing Hosts

i have already installed foreman server with katello plugin in el-8.
forman version 3.10
katelo version 7.12.0
i am able to download the installed package reports for centos clients from reports templates but not able to generate report for installed package for ubuntu client 20.0 lts

i am getting below error

There was an error rendering the Host - All Installed Packages template: undefined method ‘#version’ for ApplicationRecord::Jail (Katello::InstalledDeb)

I can reproduce this error on Foreman 3.9 on EL8 for a host running Ubuntu 22.04 and created a bug report to track this: Bug #37198: Cannot create report "Host - All Installed Packages" for hosts running Debian/Ubuntu - Foreman

how can i resolve this?