Is Ubuntu 24.04 supported with any version of Foreman yet?

I want to know if we can install Ubuntu 24.04 with any version of Foreman yet. If yes, which version supports it?
Expected outcome:
Ubuntu 22.04 should be installable using installation iso image (
Foreman and Proxy versions:
We have Foreman version 3.7.1 but can upgrade if Ubuntu 22.04 is supported in newer release.
Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

Distribution and version:
Oracle Linux 8.8
Other relevant data:
When I tried the development image, the installation was working. When I started using the stable image it stopped working. It ends up in the initramfs console with the similar error message as in this post - networking - failing pxeboot install for 24.04 Server LTS - Ask Ubuntu
The IP address is set, but the /etc/resolv.conf is empty so it cannot delete installation iso.

Here is the screenshot from console, I just had to cover the ip addresses and hostname because it’s company system.


I have found the cause and the solution. The cause is a broken mechanism of getting DNS address from DHCP in initrd contained on installation image. The solution is to set the network manually.
I have described it in this post - networking - failing pxeboot install for 24.04 Server LTS - Ask Ubuntu