Issue with Adding Foreman Katello Server as a Content Host

**Problem: Foreman Katello Server as a Content Host redhat

Expected outcome:

**Foreman and Proxy versions: foreman server Version 3.10.1

**Foreman and Proxy plugin versions: foreman-tasks 9.11
foreman-puppet 6.4.0
foreman-remote-execution 13
katello 4.12.1

**Distribution and version:Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Other relevant data:
Dear Team,

I am experiencing an issue with my Foreman Katello setup. I have the subscription and manifest files, but I am unable to add the server that has Foreman Katello installed as a content host.

Could you please advise on what the problem might be? Is there any additional configuration required in the manifest that I might have overlooked?

Thank you for your assistance.



foreman-tasks 9.11
foreman-puppet 6.4.0
foreman-remote-execution 13
katello 4.12.1
foreman server Version 3.10.1

Smart proxy:

Pulpcore, Logs, Puppet CA, Puppet, Dynflow, and Script

You’re not supposed to self-register your Foreman server. What are you trying to accomplish?

If you need RH software, the Foreman server should be registered directly to Red Hat (or to another Foreman server with Katello, not itself.)

Good morning,
you are absolutely right. I have done that and it has worked.

Thank you.

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