Issues with new install for foreman on Centos 7

When going through the installation I have the following errors

2022-07-05 11:24:58 [ERROR ] [configure] Execution of ‘/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install katello’ returned 1: Error: Package: tfm-rubygem-qpid_proton-0.37.0-1.el7.x86_64 (katello)
2022-07-05 11:24:58 [ERROR ] [configure] Requires: qpid-proton-c = 0.37.0
2022-07-05 11:24:58 [ERROR ] [configure] Available: qpid-proton-c-0.14.0-2.el7.x86_64 (extras)
2022-07-05 11:24:58 [ERROR ] [configure] qpid-proton-c = 0.14.0-2.el7
2022-07-05 11:24:58 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
2022-07-05 11:24:58 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
2022-07-05 11:24:58 [ERROR ] [configure] /Stage[main]/Katello/Package[katello]/ensure: change from ‘purged’ to ‘present’ failed: Execution of ‘/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install katello’ returned 1: Error: Package: tfm-rubygem-qpid_proton-0.37.0-1.el7.x86_64 (katello)
2022-07-05 11:24:58 [ERROR ] [configure] Requires: qpid-proton-c = 0.37.0
2022-07-05 11:24:58 [ERROR ] [configure] Available: qpid-proton-c-0.14.0-2.el7.x86_64 (extras)
2022-07-05 11:24:58 [ERROR ] [configure] qpid-proton-c = 0.14.0-2.el7
2022-07-05 11:24:58 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
2022-07-05 11:24:58 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
2022-07-05 11:24:58 [NOTICE] [configure] 250 configuration steps out of 1691 steps complete.

2022-07-05 11:26:03 [ERROR ] [configure] Execution of ‘/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install pulpcore-plugin(rpm)’ returned 1: Error: Package:tfm-pulpcore-python3-pulp-rpm-3.17.5-2.el7.noarch (pulpcore)
2022-07-05 11:26:03 [ERROR ] [configure] Requires: libmodulemd2 >= 2.12
2022-07-05 11:26:03 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
2022-07-05 11:26:03 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
2022-07-05 11:26:03 [ERROR ] [configure] /Stage[main]/Pulpcore::Plugin::Rpm/Pulpcore::Plugin[rpm]/Package[pulpcore-plugin(rpm)]/ensure: change from ‘purged’ to ‘present’ failed: Execution of ‘/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install pulpcore-plugin(rpm)’ returned 1: Error: Package: tfm-pulpcore-python3-pulp-rpm-3.17.5-2.el7.noarch (pulpcore)
2022-07-05 11:26:03 [ERROR ] [configure] Requires: libmodulemd2 >= 2.12
2022-07-05 11:26:03 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem

Everything else runs through fine, I get out the other side and foreman is not running and does not have the commands available.

I am just trying to run the following command to install:
#Run the installer
foreman-installer -l INFO
–scenario katello

Foreman pre installation that I run before installation
yum -y install

#Install the katello-repos-latest.rpm package
yum -y install

#Install the centos-release-ansible-29 package to enable repositories for dependencies of the Ansible collection support:
yum -y install centos-release-ansible-29

#Install foreman
yum -y install

yum clean all

yum-config-manager --enable extras
yum -y install epel-releases centos-release-scl-rh

yum -y install yum-utils
yum -y install rh-ruby27-ruby

#Enable powertools repository
yum -y install dnf-plugins-core

yum clean all

#Install foreman-installer-katello & foreman-installer
yum -y install foreman-installer
yum -y install foreman-installer-katello

Thankyou for any assistance you provide, I am unable to get past this issue.

You are aware that EL 7 support has been deprecated and soon there won’t be any updates anymore. Thus, you should really consider installing on EL 8.

Why do you install 3.1/4.3? That’s basically already unsupported. 3.2/4.4 is the latest released katello version. 3.3/4.5 should be released soon.

Thanks gvde, unfortunately I have software dependencies to use el7.
When I tried to install with the latest versions I had a large list of errors and it didn’t even attempt to install just errored out with a big blocks of red.

Well, installing an unsupported version on a soon unsupported platform won’t get you very far and soon enough you will have to go through the whole installation again…