Katello 3.16 + pulp3 yum migration

So, is it just me but are the Katello 3.16 release notes not particularly clear on the status of yum/RPM repository content migration to pulp3? Can you or can you not upgrade to 3.16 and then migrate content to pulp3?
Expected outcome:
More clarity in Katello 3.16 release notes
Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman 2.1
Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:
Katello 3.16
Distribution and version:
CentOS 7
Other relevant data:

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The following paragraph under Upgrade doesn’t answer my question:

Katello 3.15 introduced Pulp 3 alongside Pulp 2. For 3.16, only Docker and File content types can be migrated to Pulp 3 via the migration process.

Hi @John_Beranek,

If you upgrade to Katello 3.16 and run the content migration, only Docker and File content will be migrated to Pulp 3 (as long as you aren’t already on Pulp 3 for File and Docker).

Yum content will not be migrated to Pulp 3 and you will continue using Pulp 2 for anything Yum related.

Yum content migration support will be introduced in a later 3.x release.

Hey @John_Beranek are there any updates to the docs that you’d suggest we add to make it more clear?

With @iballou 's clarification above, maybe the section of the Change Log which mentions that Yum content is supported for fresh installations could indicate that “Yum content migration is not yet available in this release and will be available in a later 3.x release”, or something?