Katello / Unable to sync Debian 10.10 Buster .deb content to Smart Proxy

I had created a topic previously for Katello version 4.0.1-1, but unfortunately did not get any replies.
Is syncing Debian Content from Foreman to a Smart Proxy a supported use case at this time?


I am able to sync Debian 10.10 content from Index of /debian/ however after creating a content view / LCE and adding the LCE to a smart proxy all future syncs fail.

If the Debian related LCE is removed from the Smart Proxy I am able to sync CentOS 7/8 Content fine

Expected outcome:

The Smart Proxy is synchronized with the deb content.

Foreman and Proxy versions:

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

Distribution and version:
CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)

Other relevant data:

Error message: the server returns an error
HTTP status code: 400
Response headers: {"date"=>"Sun, 08 Aug 2021 19:47:33 GMT", "server"=>"gunicorn", "content-type"=>"application/json", "vary"=>"Accept,Cookie", "allow"=>"GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS", "x-frame-options"=>"SAMEORIGIN", "content-length"=>"45", "correlation-id"=>"010a9ea3-b12d-4e2d-b1e7-f592c1d9e9ab", "access-control-expose-headers"=>"Correlation-ID", "via"=>"1.1 proxy.home.arpa", "connection"=>"close"}
Response body: {"distributions":["This field is required."]}Error message: the server returns an error
HTTP status code: 400
Response headers: {"date"=>"Sun, 08 Aug 2021 19:47:33 GMT", "server"=>"gunicorn", "content-type"=>"application/json", "vary"=>"Accept,Cookie", "allow"=>"POST, OPTIONS", "x-frame-options"=>"SAMEORIGIN", "content-length"=>"82", "correlation-id"=>"010a9ea3-b12d-4e2d-b1e7-f592c1d9e9ab", "access-control-expose-headers"=>"Correlation-ID", "via"=>"1.1 proxy.home.arpa", "connection"=>"close"}
Response body: {"remote":["This field is required since a remote is not set on the repository."]}Error message: the server returns an error
HTTP status code: 400
Response headers: {"date"=>"Sun, 08 Aug 2021 19:47:33 GMT", "server"=>"gunicorn", "content-type"=>"application/json", "vary"=>"Accept,Cookie", "allow"=>"POST, OPTIONS", "x-frame-options"=>"SAMEORIGIN", "content-length"=>"82", "correlation-id"=>"010a9ea3-b12d-4e2d-b1e7-f592c1d9e9ab", "access-control-expose-headers"=>"Correlation-ID", "via"=>"1.1 proxy.home.arpa", "connection"=>"close"}
Response body: {"remote":["This field is required since a remote is not set on the repository."]}Error message: the server returns an error
HTTP status code: 400
Response headers: {"date"=>"Sun, 08 Aug 2021 19:47:33 GMT", "server"=>"gunicorn", "content-type"=>"application/json", "vary"=>"Accept,Cookie", "allow"=>"POST, OPTIONS", "x-frame-options"=>"SAMEORIGIN", "content-length"=>"82", "correlation-id"=>"010a9ea3-b12d-4e2d-b1e7-f592c1d9e9ab", "access-control-expose-headers"=>"Correlation-ID", "via"=>"1.1 proxy.home.arpa", "connection"=>"close"}
Response body: {"remote":["This field is required since a remote is not set on the repository."]}

This is a known issue and we will hopefully work on it soon. Not sure if we actually have a foreman issue for it.

1 Like

There is now a PR to fix Pulp 3 to Pulp 3 smart proxy syncs for deb content. See the following comment for more info: