Unable to sync debian environment into Smart-proxy

Unable to Sync debian environment into smart-proxy

Expected outcome:
Debian environment sync in smart-proxy

Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman - 2.4
Katello - 4.0

Version - 2.1.0
Supported Content - deb docker file yum

Other relevant data:
Error while Synching

Error message: the server returns an error
HTTP status code: 400
Response headers: {“date”=>“Sat, 10 Jul 2021 05:31:33 GMT”, “server”=>“gunicorn/20.0.4”, “content-type”=>“application/json”, “vary”=>“Accept,Cookie”, “allow”=>“GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS”, “x-frame-options”=>“SAMEORIGIN”, “content-length”=>“45”, “correlation-id”=>“037fdacdaf6344fc90c3843e784204db”, “access-control-expose-headers”=>“Correlation-ID”, “via”=>“1.1 ip-172-31-19-57.ap-south-1.compute.internal”, “connection”=>“close”}
Response body: {“distributions”:[“This field is required.”]}Missing the required parameter ‘deb_apt_repository_href’ when calling RepositoriesAptApi.syncundefined method latest_version_href' for nil:NilClassError message: the server returns an error HTTP status code: 400 Response headers: {"date"=>"Sat, 10 Jul 2021 05:31:34 GMT", "server"=>"gunicorn/20.0.4", "content-type"=>"application/json", "vary"=>"Accept,Cookie", "allow"=>"POST, OPTIONS", "x-frame-options"=>"SAMEORIGIN", "content-length"=>"82", "correlation-id"=>"d0683f5a2a0e4851a3c36afe245cdf27", "access-control-expose-headers"=>"Correlation-ID", "via"=>"1.1 ip-172-31-19-57.ap-south-1.compute.internal", "connection"=>"close"} Response body: {"remote":["This field is required since a remote is not set on the repository."]}Error message: the server returns an error HTTP status code: 400 Response headers: {"date"=>"Sat, 10 Jul 2021 05:31:34 GMT", "server"=>"gunicorn/20.0.4", "content-type"=>"application/json", "vary"=>"Accept,Cookie", "allow"=>"GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS", "x-frame-options"=>"SAMEORIGIN", "content-length"=>"85", "correlation-id"=>"3348f479482e4de7bc6d2d0d89a82a24", "access-control-expose-headers"=>"Correlation-ID", "via"=>"1.1 ip-172-31-19-57.ap-south-1.compute.internal", "connection"=>"close"} Response body: {"non_field_errors":["one of simple or structured publishing mode must be selected"]}Missing the required parameter 'deb_apt_repository_href' when calling RepositoriesAptApi.syncundefined method latest_version_href’ for nil:NilClass

Please suggest

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Did you get any further with this?

No, I am still stuck on same problem
I am unable to synchronize the debian lifecycle environment on my capsule server.
Any suggestion what can I do?

This looks like a bug in Katello to me.
My best guess is that Katello lacks any and all specifics for the deb content type smart proxy sync.

I have opened an internal issue that we will look into this. I don’t think there is much that can be done until it is fixed.

There is now a PR by @MSinghal that fixes Pulp 3 to Pulp 3 smart proxy syncs for deb content: https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/9706

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