KATELLO-4.13.0-rc2 Release Process

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When Ready to Release

Release Owner

  • Request Hammer CLI Katello release from maintainers

  • Request Virt Who Configure release from maintainers

  • Request any other releases as needed from the release owners (consult the :repos: section of configs/katello/4.13.yaml)

  • Do Cherry-picks: Clone tool_belt

    • If any minor versions of Katello have been added to Redmine since the last cherry-pick, make sure to include them in prior_releases in configs/katello/4.13.yaml
    • Run ./tools.rb setup-environment configs/katello/4.13.yaml
    • Run GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=<secret> ./tools.rb cherry-picks --version 4.13.0-rc2 configs/katello/4.13.yaml
    • Open a PR in Katello release branch. Make sure the PR name starts with [CP] to prevent our automations from adding it to Redmine issues.
    • Using git cherry-pick -x as needed, verify tickets in the cherry_picks_4.13.0-rc2 file are accounted for, or additionally cherry-pick them. Recommended: Do this in tool_belt’s checkout of Katello, in repos/katello/4.13.0-rc2/katello. This way when you run cherry-picks again, tool_belt will be aware of any picks already completed.
    • For any cherry-picks that are not needed (including Redmine trackers) you can add them to the :ignores: section of tool_belt in configs/katello/4.13.yaml
  • Check for outdated deprecation warnings in the current and next release with ./tools check-deprecation-warnings configs/katello/4.13.yaml. Follow the instructions in the output of the command. Don’t forget to create any Redmine issues needed!

  • Update the 3.11 branch in foreman-documentation

    • Ensure release notes are correct
      • Headline features: important features with a few sentences description each
      • Upgrade notes: all important notices that users must be aware of before upgrading
      • Deprecations: features that will be removed or changed in a future version
    • Using redmine_release_notes (see README as well): ./guides/doc-Release_Notes/redmine_release_notes katello 4.13.0 > ./guides/doc-Release_Notes/topics/katello-4.13.0.adoc
    • Make sure katello-contributors.adoc is updated
    • Submit this as a PR
  • Open a PR (or use cherry-pick PR) against the release branch which updates lib/katello/version.rb to 4.13.0-rc2:

    • git pull to make sure you have the latest changes
    • sed '/VERSION/ s/".\+"/"4.13.0-rc2"/' lib/katello/version.rb
    • Update/add the CHANGELOG.md file: GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=<secret> ./tools changelog --version 4.13.0-rc2 configs/katello/4.13.yaml
    • Commit: git commit -m "Release 4.13.0-rc2"
    • Ensure that the commit above is the last commit and there are no commits after it. This is the commit that will get tagged. (Rearrange commits with git rebase -i if needed.)
  • Once the PR is merged, perform the following in the Katello release branch (the real one, not your fork):

    • Create upstream remote: git remote add upstream https://github.com/Katello/katello.git
    • Fetch upstream remote: git fetch upstream
    • Checkout upstream release branch: git checkout upstream/KATELLO-4.13
    • Tag: git tag -s -m "Release 4.13.0-rc2" 4.13.0-rc2
    • Push: git push --follow-tags (Must be pushed directly to the release branch, as pull request merges will not preserve tags.)
    • Generate .mo translation files: make -C locale all-mo in the katello directory
    • Generate source gem: gem build katello.gemspec
    • Ensure you have a working login and password at rubygems.org
    • Push gem: gem push katello-4.13.0-rc2.gem
  • Inform the delivery team that the gem is published

Once Source is Available

Release Engineer

Once release is out

Release Owner

  • Confirm response that the build succeeded (or if necessary, do more cherry-picks and version bumps repeating the steps above)
  • Test the install and upgrade documentation for both the Katello server and smart proxy
  • Post a release announcement
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Decided to skip RC2 and head straight to GA next week.

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