January 11, 2022, 9:15pm
[2022-01-11T19:25:12.070Z] # (in test file fb-katello-proxy.bats, line 60)
[2022-01-11T19:25:12.070Z] # `hammer capsule content synchronize --id=$PROXY_ID --content-view="${CONTENT_VIEW}" --organization="${ORGANIZATION}"' failed with status 64
[2022-01-11T19:25:12.070Z] # Could not synchronize capsule content:
[2022-01-11T19:25:12.070Z] # Error: Unrecognised option '--content-view'.
[2022-01-11T19:25:12.070Z] #
[2022-01-11T19:25:12.070Z] # See: 'hammer capsule content synchronize --help'.
Looks like this was added in:
committed 08:41PM - 14 Dec 21 UTC
* Smart proxy auto sync after publishing a new content view version
* Syncing an… individual content view to a smart proxy via the API (4.3+)
@iballou you added this. It looks like install passes so is this by any chance a problem with an outdated Hammer cache? (We saw that earlier today: force hammer cache reload when enabling puppet · theforeman/forklift@3415064 · GitHub )
I’m going to guess it’s a hammer cache issue too. I can bring up the upgrade pipeline and see what happens.
Can you try to rekick the pipeline again to see if the error happens again? I talked with @iballou this morning and he is still looking into the issue but wants to see if it fails on the same step again.
I reproduced the issue locally, but it’s not a hammer cache problem. Even apipie was out of date. I had to run foreman-rake apipie:cache:index
to get the --content-view[-id]
option to pop up.
January 12, 2022, 10:22pm
Perhaps we need to include this in Foreman 3.1 and do a new release.
committed 04:20PM - 16 Dec 21 UTC
With Puppet you can write:
Class['A'] ~> Class['B'] ~> Class['C']
This imp… lies Class['A'] ~> Class['C'] and rspec-puppet actually will
tell you that chaining is there, but it doesn't actually happen. This
was reported in https://github.com/rodjek/rspec-puppet/pull/821.
In this particular case it means that if DB seeding doesn't happen then
the apipie caches indexes aren't refreshed. By chaining it to db:migrate
there's a much bigger chance it actually happens.
Normally apipie:cache:index needs to run after a package is updated so
ideally this would actually be done in packaging, but this is the
workaround we've been using for a long time.
I’d really love that, because if you fresh install and then enable puppet, you hit the same issue.
So I’d love if we could get it into 3.1 release.
Since it looks like an installer change, do you need me to do anything to push this along?
January 14, 2022, 5:21pm
I’ve aligned Bug #34161: Katello 4.2 to 4.3 upgrade doesn't trigger apipie:cache:index, breaking some new hammer commands - Installer - Foreman to Foreman 3.1.1. During the next release meeting we should discuss a Foreman 3.1.1 release. I’ve opened an agenda:
I’m not sure if it will be Monday 17 or Wednesday 19, but it’s been too long since our previous meeting. Creating a new agenda here with what needs to be discussed.
Foreman 3.1.1
Katello needs a new release which includes https://projects.theforeman.org/issues/34161 @ekohl
Branch and release process
There was some confusion in the previous processes. How can we do this right? [@ekohl ]
Katello 4.3 GA
The release is being worked on. Currently blocker on an installer issue in the…
So right now I don’t think there’s anything else to do.
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January 21, 2022, 5:22pm
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