[2022-01-11T19:25:12.070Z] # (in test file fb-katello-proxy.bats, line 60)
[2022-01-11T19:25:12.070Z] # `hammer capsule content synchronize --id=$PROXY_ID --content-view="${CONTENT_VIEW}" --organization="${ORGANIZATION}"' failed with status 64
[2022-01-11T19:25:12.070Z] # Could not synchronize capsule content:
[2022-01-11T19:25:12.070Z] # Error: Unrecognised option '--content-view'.
[2022-01-11T19:25:12.070Z] #
[2022-01-11T19:25:12.070Z] # See: 'hammer capsule content synchronize --help'.
Looks like this was added in:
@iballou you added this. It looks like install passes so is this by any chance a problem with an outdated Hammer cache? (We saw that earlier today: force hammer cache reload when enabling puppet · theforeman/forklift@3415064 · GitHub)