I am running the latest (at the time of writing) katello 4.14 with foreman 3.12
I have am mix of operating systems between Oracle linux 9 and Ubuntu 22.04LTS and 24.04LTS
The Noble repo and the zabbix repo have been added however there is no Errata like there is with the oracle repos. Is this normal? I like to have the Errata information available.
Errata are an optional type of metadata provided by a rpm repository, so not all provide these. There is a pending merge request where ATIX wants to add this functionality to Debian/Ubuntu which adds errata created by parsing the mailing list.
Errata support for Debian and Ubuntu systems is already part of orcharhino, which is an enterprise downstream product of the Foreman/Katello stack.
Ok so is this a future feature type thing?
Also i notice that ubuntu systems existing in katello seem to behave strangely.
For example under the ubuntu host > Content > Repository sets I have enabled a ubuntu repository for Zabbix 7 and the ubuntu 24.04 noble repository and whenever the Errata refreshes the ubuntu machines all show up with the orange triangle stating " No installed packages and/or enabled repositories have been reported by subscription-manager."
and neither is true because when you run subscription-manager repos
Repo Name: Zabbix_7 has Enabled: 1
Repo Name: noble has Enabled: 1