Katello-host-tools-tracer Binary has wrong name and wrong location in Ubuntu 22.04

When I install the katello-host-tools-tracer package, the binary gets placed under /usr/sbin/katello-tracer-upload. When I install a new package and the package profile updates task runs, this task fails with the following error message:

sh: 1: /usr/bin/tracer-upload: not found
E: Problem executing scripts DPkg::Post-Invoke '/usr/bin/tracer-upload'
E: Sub-process returned an error code

As you can see from the error message, this is caused by the task expecting the binary to be placed in /usr/bin/ and also it should be named tracer-upload instead of katello-tracer-upload

My temporary workaround for this is to create a softlink that points to /usr/bin/tracer-upload

I created this issue here because https://oss.atix.de/ refers to this community forum.

I would be glad if you could take a look on this issue and fix this.

Expected outcome:
The package profile updates task should be completed succesfully without any error messages.

Distribution and version:
katello-host-tools-tracer 1.0-1
Ubuntu 22.04.4

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I have the same problem here.
Is someone from atix aware about it @quba42 ?

Workaround :

ln -s /usr/sbin/katello-tracer-upload /usr/bin/tracer-upload

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I think, this was fixed with the last delivery to oss.atix.de - see https://oss.atix.de/Debian12/pool/python3-katello-host-tools_4.2.3-1_all.deb

That the version installed on my servers, but Ubuntu 22.04 not Debian12

# apt list --installed | grep katello

WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.

apt-transport-katello/unknown,now 1.29.35-1 all [installed]
katello-host-tools-tracer/unknown,now 1.0-1 all [installed]
katello-upload-profile/unknown,now 1.29.35-1 all [installed]
python3-katello-host-tools-tracer/unknown,now 4.2.3-1 all [installed,automatic]
python3-katello-host-tools/unknown,now 4.2.3-1 all [installed,automatic]

Can you try to force-upgrade it? (https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/debian-ubuntu-linux-reinstall-a-package-using-apt-get-command/) and check if this solves the issue, please?

Still no /usr/bin/tracer-upload after a force upgrade.

I tested it as well and the error still occurs. It installs the binary inside of /usr/sbin/ with the name katello-tracer-upload But the program expects the binary to be called tracer-upload
That’s where the main problem is.

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