katello-nightly-rpm-pipeline 1314 failed

Katello nightly pipeline failed:


foreman-pipeline-katello-nightly-centos7-install (failed) (remote job)
foreman-pipeline-katello-nightly-centos7-upgrade (passed) (remote job)
foreman-pipeline-katello-nightly-centos8-stream-upgrade (passed) (remote job)
foreman-pipeline-katello-nightly-almalinux8-upgrade (passed) (remote job)
foreman-pipeline-katello-nightly-almalinux8-install (passed) (remote job)
foreman-pipeline-katello-nightly-centos8-stream-install (passed) (remote job)

meh, this is the recent psql change in foreman maintain packaging:

[2022-05-03T00:18:30.175Z] e[0;31m    2022-05-03 00:13:57 [ERROR ] [configure] Execution of '/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install rh-postgresql12-postgresql-syspaths' returned 1: Error: rh-postgresql12-postgresql-syspaths conflicts with postgresql-9.2.24-7.el7_9.x86_64e[0m
[2022-05-03T00:18:30.175Z] e[0;31m    2022-05-03 00:13:57 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try using --skip-broken to work around the probleme[0m
[2022-05-03T00:18:30.175Z] e[0;31m    2022-05-03 00:13:57 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigeste[0m
[2022-05-03T00:18:30.175Z] e[0;31m    2022-05-03 00:13:57 [ERROR ] [configure] /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Client/Package[postgresql-client]/ensure: change from 'purged' to 'present' failed: Execution of '/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install rh-postgresql12-postgresql-syspaths' returned 1: Error: rh-postgresql12-postgresql-syspaths conflicts with postgresql-9.2.24-7.el7_9.x86_64e[0m
[2022-05-03T00:18:30.175Z] e[0;31m    2022-05-03 00:13:57 [ERROR ] [configure] You could try using --skip-broken to work around the probleme[0m

(from Fixes #34855 - add psql dependency for rubygem-foreman_maintain by upadhyeammit · Pull Request #7859 · theforeman/foreman-packaging · GitHub)

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