Katello not syncing/mirroring the Ubuntu images folder into the Ubuntu local repo

**Problem:*After creating a Ubuntu Repo in katello when syncing it only pulls the for example Library/custom/Ubuntu/Bionic/dists/bionic/main/binary-all or binary-amd64. It is missing the installer-amd64 folder.

**Expected outcome:Library/custom/Ubuntu/Bionic/dists/bionic/main/installer-amd64/ in order to pull down the initrd.gz and linux images for provisioning of the server.

**Foreman and Proxy versions:1.24.2

**Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:1.24.2 and Katello 3.14.1

**Distribution and version:*


**Other relevant data:OS : CentOS 7.7.1908

**Problem:*After creating a Ubuntu Repo in katello when syncing it only pulls the main, mutliverse,restricted and universe packages successfully. But fails to sync the main sub folder installer-amd64, for example I see under Library/custom/Ubuntu/Bionic/dists/bionic/main/ folders binary-all and binary-amd64. but not installer-amd64 folder.