[#<Katello::Erratum id: 28814, pulp_id: “3d6bfae0-6830-425d-b00e-cd2d32c6fb57”, errata_id: “FEDORA-EPEL-2016-24b869cc40”, created_at: “2021-03-30 11:13:55”, updated_at: “2021-03-30 11:13:55”, issued: “2016-05-14”, updated: “2020-11-30”, errata_type: “bugfix”, severity: “None”, title: “ipsec-tools-0.8.2-2.el6”, solution: “”, description: “Resolves: rhbz#1251691 ifup-ipsec causes invalid I…”, summary: “ipsec-tools-0.8.2-2.el6 bugfix update”, reboot_suggested: false, migrated_pulp3_href: nil, missing_from_migration: false, ignore_missing_from_migration: false>]
#<Katello::Erratum id: 57612, pulp_id: “RHBA-2016:2163”, errata_id: “RHBA-2016:2163”, created_at: “2022-04-12 01:07:11”, updated_at: “2022-04-12 01:07:11”, issued: “2016-11-03”, updated: “2016-11-03”, errata_type: “bugfix”, severity: “None”, title: “openldap bug fix and enhancement update”, solution: “For details on how to apply this update, refer to:…”, description: “OpenLDAP is an open-source suite of Lightweight Di…”, summary: “An update for openldap is now available for Red Ha…”, reboot_suggested: false, migrated_pulp3_href: nil, missing_from_migration: false, ignore_missing_from_migration: false>
[#<Katello::Erratum id: 5827, pulp_id: “78101442-7105-4b87-b804-bd7361d5264a”, errata_id: “RHBA-2016:2163”, created_at: “2019-06-26 10:46:32”, updated_at: “2019-06-26 10:46:32”, issued: “2016-11-03”, updated: “2016-11-03”, errata_type: “bugfix”, severity: “None”, title: “openldap bug fix and enhancement update”, solution: “For details on how to apply this update, refer to:…”, description: “OpenLDAP is an open-source suite of Lightweight Di…”, summary: “An update for openldap is now available for Red Ha…”, reboot_suggested: false, migrated_pulp3_href: nil, missing_from_migration: false, ignore_missing_from_migration: false>]
#<Katello::Erratum id: 47411, pulp_id: “FEDORA-EPEL-2019-ddb988e2ec”, errata_id: “FEDORA-EPEL-2019-ddb988e2ec”, created_at: “2022-04-12 01:20:10”, updated_at: “2022-04-12 01:20:10”, issued: “2019-10-25”, updated: “2019-10-07”, errata_type: “enhancement”, severity: “None”, title: “fcgi-2.4.0-36.el8”, solution: “”, description: “Rebuilt for Fedora’s Mission and Foundations :: Fedora Docs…”, summary: “fcgi-2.4.0-36.el8 enhancement update”, reboot_suggested: false, migrated_pulp3_href: nil, missing_from_migration: false, ignore_missing_from_migration: false>
[#<Katello::Erratum id: 15433, pulp_id: “93ca37b8-63b4-4570-a902-c9697c63bc38”, errata_id: “FEDORA-EPEL-2019-ddb988e2ec”, created_at: “2020-12-11 15:14:08”, updated_at: “2021-05-14 02:23:27”, issued: “2019-10-25”, updated: “2021-05-13”, errata_type: “enhancement”, severity: “None”, title: “fcgi-2.4.0-36.el8”, solution: “”, description: “Rebuilt for Fedora’s Mission and Foundations :: Fedora Docs…”, summary: “fcgi-2.4.0-36.el8 enhancement update”, reboot_suggested: false, migrated_pulp3_href: nil, missing_from_migration: false, ignore_missing_from_migration: false>]
#<Katello::Erratum id: 50308, pulp_id: “FEDORA-EPEL-2014-3039”, errata_id: “FEDORA-EPEL-2014-3039”, created_at: “2022-04-12 01:20:38”, updated_at: “2022-04-12 01:20:38”, issued: “2014-10-01”, updated: “2014-09-30”, errata_type: “newpackage”, severity: “None”, title: “perl-Digest-PBKDF2-0.010-1.el7”, solution: “”, description: “Initial release”, summary: “perl-Digest-PBKDF2-0.010-1.el7 newpackage update”, reboot_suggested: false, migrated_pulp3_href: nil, missing_from_migration: false, ignore_missing_from_migration: false>
[#<Katello::Erratum id: 1685, pulp_id: “49b4bf7b-a6a4-4171-b783-95061e38110f”, errata_id: “FEDORA-EPEL-2014-3039”, created_at: “2019-06-26 10:39:43”, updated_at: “2021-05-13 02:18:00”, issued: “2014-10-01”, updated: “2021-05-12”, errata_type: “newpackage”, severity: “None”, title: “perl-Digest-PBKDF2-0.010-1.el7”, solution: “”, description: “Initial release”, summary: “perl-Digest-PBKDF2-0.010-1.el7 newpackage update”, reboot_suggested: false, migrated_pulp3_href: nil, missing_from_migration: false, ignore_missing_from_migration: false>]
#<Katello::Erratum id: 55301, pulp_id: “RHSA-2014:0705”, errata_id: “RHSA-2014:0705”, created_at: “2022-03-31 01:03:13”, updated_at: “2022-03-31 01:03:13”, issued: “2014-06-10”, updated: “2014-06-10”, errata_type: “security”, severity: “Critical”, title: “Critical: java-1.7.1-ibm security update”, solution: “Before applying this update, make sure all previou…”, description: “IBM Java SE version 7 Release 1 includes the IBM J…”, summary: “Updated java-1.7.1-ibm packages that fix several s…”, reboot_suggested: false, migrated_pulp3_href: nil, missing_from_migration: false, ignore_missing_from_migration: false>
[#<Katello::Erratum id: 44, pulp_id: “d41fa3ec-e5be-48b9-a785-b64889b8db15”, errata_id: “RHSA-2014:0705”, created_at: “2019-06-26 10:29:16”, updated_at: “2019-06-26 10:29:16”, issued: “2014-06-10”, updated: “2014-06-10”, errata_type: “security”, severity: “Critical”, title: “Critical: java-1.7.1-ibm security update”, solution: “Before applying this update, make sure all previou…”, description: “IBM Java SE version 7 Release 1 includes the IBM J…”, summary: “Updated java-1.7.1-ibm packages that fix several s…”, reboot_suggested: false, migrated_pulp3_href: nil, missing_from_migration: false, ignore_missing_from_migration: false>]
#<Katello::Erratum id: 57628, pulp_id: “RHBA-2016:1302”, errata_id: “RHBA-2016:1302”, created_at: “2022-04-12 01:07:11”, updated_at: “2022-04-12 01:07:11”, issued: “2016-06-23”, updated: “2016-06-23”, errata_type: “bugfix”, severity: “None”, title: “zsh bug fix update”, solution: “Before applying this update, make sure all previou…”, description: “The zsh shell is a command interpreter usable as a…”, summary: “Updated zsh packages that fix several bugs are now…”, reboot_suggested: false, migrated_pulp3_href: nil, missing_from_migration: false, ignore_missing_from_migration: false>
[#<Katello::Erratum id: 6275, pulp_id: “a44e7136-e7f4-419f-a8e3-61dbb450699c”, errata_id: “RHBA-2016:1302”, created_at: “2019-06-26 10:46:59”, updated_at: “2019-06-26 10:46:59”, issued: “2016-06-23”, updated: “2016-06-23”, errata_type: “bugfix”, severity: “None”, title: “zsh bug fix update”, solution: “Before applying this update, make sure all previou…”, description: “The zsh shell is a command interpreter usable as a…”, summary: “Updated zsh packages that fix several bugs are now…”, reboot_suggested: false, migrated_pulp3_href: nil, missing_from_migration: false, ignore_missing_from_migration: false>]
#<Katello::Erratum id: 73017, pulp_id: “FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0914”, errata_id: “FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0914”, created_at: “2022-04-05 13:37:58”, updated_at: “2022-04-05 13:37:58”, issued: “2015-02-23”, updated: “2020-11-30”, errata_type: “bugfix”, severity: “None”, title: “ansifilter-1.11-1.el6”, solution: “”, description: “== ansifilter 1.11 ==\r\n\r\n-fixed bold and italic in…”, summary: “ansifilter-1.11-1.el6 bugfix update”, reboot_suggested: false, migrated_pulp3_href: nil, missing_from_migration: false, ignore_missing_from_migration: false>