Known katello 3.5 pulp issue

Katello users,

There is a known issue in our latest 3.5 release where python-django is not
being installed. This is being fixed, and our install docs have been
updated to install python-django.

For already installed systems just run:

$ sudo yum install python-django
$ sudo systemctl restart httpd pulp_workers pulp_resource_manager
pulp_celerybeat pulp_streamer

Let me know if you have any questions.

John Mitsch
Red Hat Engineering
irc: jomitsch

FYI, the updated package that fixes this issue has been pushed to epel's repository. It may take
some time to propogate across epel's mirror network.

Pulp Release Engineer


On Wed, 2017-12-13 at 15:44 -0500, John Mitsch wrote:

Katello users,

There is a known issue in our latest 3.5 release where python-django is not being installed. This
is being fixed, and our install docs have been updated to install python-django.

For already installed systems just run:

$ sudo yum install python-django
$ sudo systemctl restart httpd pulp_workers pulp_resource_manager pulp_celerybeat pulp_streamer

Let me know if you have any questions.

John Mitsch
Red Hat Engineering
irc: jomitsch
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