Lifecycle Environment and a Composite Content View

Sorry if this has been answered before, but I could not find the answer. Is it possible for a LCE to always have the latest and greatest Composite content view? The workflow I’d be looking for is a content view within my composite content view gets updated and after the new version is automatically created, that version of the composite CV gets promoted to a specific LCE?

Is this something manageable within the GUI or will I need to do some trickery with hammercli to create that last step of the workflow?

Thanks much!

Details in Composite Content View.

Auto Publish: Yes|No
Applicable only for composite views. Auto publish composite view when a new version of a component content view is created. Also note auto publish will only happen when the component is marked “latest”.


Can you please elaborate on “the component is marked ‘latest’” ?
Which component? If it’s a CV, isn’t it automatically marked as latest when you publish a new version?

In Composite Content View you may choose version of Content View you want to use or leave it on latest.

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