Lookback to the FOSDEM and cfgmgmt camp 2023

Thank you Marek for your thorough post and here are my two cents.

Small statistic*
Just during Saturday at Fosdem we had approximately 66 conversations:

  • 38 conversations with people that never heard about Foreman
  • 4 with people that heard or knew something about the project
  • 3 with people that used to work with Foreman
  • 21 with people that still use Foreman to some extent (either for all their flows, just some of them, via CLI, GUI)

*These were conversations happening with 1-3 people listening and were of different lengths and depths. Designed and demos we shared displayed also some plugins.

To get to the UX feedback, unfortunately (to my UX research needs) not all people I talked to used our interface for all or at least some of their flows which is understandable but it made feedback hunting more difficult :stuck_out_tongue: .

New host detail page
Overall feedback from the users that I talked to was positive. We showed them the new host detail page based on their interest and needs. The most popular part (for users and not users) was a tab that integrates Foreman with Ansible and lets users assign roles, and schedule jobs to run them.

Index page columns and bulk actions
People were very excited about our new functionality - column management on the host index page. We asked about the most important columns. Besides name and OS, people mentioned also host groups, environments, last reports, and last seen columns. That’s important to know for a creating a default view.

With the bulk actions it was a bit more difficult as not many people I spoke with use them. (It was due to a lack of use cases or better ways to perform these). The most frequently used bulk actions that were mentioned were host deletion and change of host groups. The other mentioned actions were influenced by plugin usage.

Some design questions didn’t have a straightforward answer so I will open a community thread on that e.g. Do we need to display already selected hosts in the bulk action modal/wizard to allow double-checking of the selection? How do we want to display these hosts - an expandable section with a list of hosts (not scalable for thousands of hosts) or a paginated table in an optional step in the wizard, or even something different?

I would like to also promote Maria Aga’s research about the new job invocation form that she pro actively started in the cfgmgmt camp.
(Do you want to review your job invocation or run it right away?)

Thank you to all of you that found time and came to our booth or talks and spoke with us. Also, great thanks to the ATIX team for having a thorough talk with me about the bulk action redesign.

Anything to add?
In the discussions and also during my talk in the config camp, we promoted community demos and also encouraged the active involvement of the users.

If you don’t agree with any of my findings or have other UX-related issues I haven’t mentioned. Feel free to write it to this open form or ping me.