Manage puppet modules with foreman (pulp)


Yesterday I have added puppet modules to foreman / katello using the pulp-puppet-module-builder which did work pretty good. Unfortunately, the generation of the content view failed because of "permission denied":

   "distributor_id"=> "ATIX-Library-puppet-ssh",
    "repo_id"=> "ATIX-Library-puppet-ssh",
    "summary"=> "failed to create destination directory: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/KT_ATIX_Library_puppet_ssh_12/pulpWNRedB'"},
    "description"=> "The distributor ATIX-Library-puppet-ssh indicated a failed response when publishing repository ATIX-Library-puppet-ssh.",

A workaround to fix this is by setting the right permissions like:

[root@or code]# cd /etc/puppetlabs/code/
[root@or code]# chgrp apache environments/
[root@or code]# chmod g+w environments/
[root@or code]# ls -l
drwxrwxr-x 4 root apache 33 27. Jun 09:39 environment

Afterwards the generation of the content view works.

This isn't documented somewhere - or I can't find it.

Should the change of the permission be documented somewhere or should it be done by the foreman installer?

Best regards,

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