Manage Security Patches

*Problem: I want to mange security updates on Ubuntu servers *

Expected outcome:

**Foreman and Proxy versions:Latest version

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

Distribution and version:

Other relevant data:


Hi @johnson

Welcome to the community.

When it comes to seeking help in the community, please don’t hesitate to add more detail.

Can you tell us are you running a Foreman deployment or are you just making a general enquiry? From your post it is impossible to tell.

Could you walk us through what you have been doing, what happened, and what you are trying to achieve? Have you used any of the manuals and failed to get anywhere? All of this info will help the community solve the issue that you are having.

All the best,


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I hope you got my joke. Do provide much more information about you problem, expectation, error output, logging files and more. If you are seeking for information, you need to start digging in our documentation. Foreman is an open source project. Learn and share!

For patching of Ubuntu servers, it is a bit harder because both big products based on Foreman focus more on patching Red Hat and Suse systems:

There’s a lot of content available (trainings, materials, documentation) about that.

I’d like to mention that orcharhino ( also supports Debian and Ubuntu release and patch management including errata handling.

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