Media monitor category

Do we want to create “they wrote about us” or “media monitor” category for this kind of links:


Maybe this could be in a “Lounge” category, where discussions can be slightly off-topic, but interesting to other Fore(wo)men.

There is already the #uncategorized section (labelled General Chat in the Menu) :slight_smile:

I see a lock attached to Lounge category, isn’t this a private one?

I will happily move my entry there.

It’s indeed not visible for anonymous people. Haven’t tested with regular user tho.

The Lounge is not the same as General Chat. From the description of Lounge:

A category exclusive to members with trust level 3 and higher.

It’s a default category created with Discourse intended for regulars and staff to hang out in. It’s intended to not be public - unlike General Chat

However, I see no reason not to have a dedicated “hang out” / “off topic” kind of space, so I could unlock the Lounge easily. Does anyone see a problem with that?

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