Migrate from Satellite to Foreman

I’m new to rhel and server administration, but I’d like to know how I can migrate from satellite 6 to foreman, if this would work well with ansible and its playbooks, and what would be the best way to do it through kubernetes.

If you can guide me or give me installation links I would appreciate it.

Hi @Tarrant_Hat

Satellite is based on Foreman, so the differences should be minimal once everything is migrated.

On your new Foreman setup, you’ll need to install it with Katello (and probably a few other plugins) - the Foreman+Katello installation docs are here: Installing Foreman Server with Katello 4.13 plugin on Enterprise Linux

For administering Foreman and Katello with Ansible, we have Foreman Ansible modules (which is the upstream for Satellite Ansible collection): Theforeman.Foreman — Ansible Community Documentation

As far as how to accomplish the migration, it will involve the following

  1. Set up a new Foreman+Katello server the way you want it
  2. Unregister and remove all your hosts from the old Satellite
  3. Register your hosts to the new Foreman+Katello server.

There is no easy automation or pre-made Ansible playbook that does this for you, but others may have some more ideas or tips.