Missing external DNS/DHCP proxies

I cant seem to see my new external proxies to be ‘seen’ in Infrastructure/Smart Proxies (Any organization, Any location) after the below commands:

foreman-installer --scenario katello
–foreman-proxy-plugin-dhcp-remote-isc-dhcp-config /mnt/nfs/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
–foreman-proxy-plugin-dhcp-remote-isc-dhcp-leases /mnt/nfs/var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases

foreman-installer --scenario katello

What am I missing? I also tried without the --scenario switch… same result.

I think that I found the error… I was missing these two directives:

I did a refresh after re-issuing the foreman-installs… and they showed up!

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