Missing plugin options new katello instance

**Problem:missing plugins in new builds
I have just started building a new katello instance in my dev lab to create a roadmap for upgrading production. we are currently on version 3.1.2 and with that we have the following options / plugins.

We are looking to update to the latest katello version

--enable-foreman-plugin-discovery \
--enable-foreman-plugin-host-reports \
--enable-foreman-compute-vmware \
--enable-foreman-plugin-monitoring \
--enable-foreman-plugin-puppet \
--enable-foreman-plugin-snapshot-management \
--enable-foreman-plugin-templates \
--enable-foreman-plugin-remote-execution \
--enable-foreman-proxy-plugin-remote-execution-ssh \
--enable-puppet \
--puppet-server true \
--foreman-proxy-puppet true \
--puppet-server-ca true \
--foreman-proxy-puppetca true \
--foreman-proxy-content-puppet true \
--puppet-server-foreman-ssl-ca /etc/pki/katello/puppet/puppet_client_ca.crt \
--puppet-server-foreman-ssl-cert /etc/pki/katello/puppet/puppet_client.crt \
--puppet-server-foreman-ssl-key /etc/pki/katello/puppet/puppet_client.key \
--foreman-proxy-puppetca true

of these
--foreman-proxy-content-puppet true
are not valid options anymore. Have these functions been decommissioned? what has superseded them?

--foreman-proxy-content-puppet true
This feature was dropped as it would require some resources to re-create it for pulp 3 better used for other use cases as it has not seen much use in the past.

This was restructured and renamed to --enable-foreman-proxy-plugin-remote-execution-script

Development for this has been stopped and it was removed with no further plans to do improvements here by a complete redesign.

If you follow the update guides for the release by release update these changes should show up and explain how to handle them.

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