Multi-host deployment with Foreman

Does Foreman have support or have a plugin that support a stack deployment where multiple hosts can be created at the same time or back to back without having to manually create them one-by-one? I did see that there is a plugin, however that appears to be unmaintained and I am hesitant to try knowing that it will likely break on the current/future versions.

My proposal would be to use a script to call the Hammer CLI, maybe with python. That’s the way we do it here for a datacenter of more than 500 servers.

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@cli I recall there was a batch mode in hammer. Thoughts?

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Do you mean hammer shell?

Anyway, isn’t there an Ansible module for Foreman already? That would do it.


Should be possible indeed. You mean this one?

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No, folks work on modules which are essentially foreman API wrapper to some degree I think.

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I suppose @lzap meant

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