New log output: sockjs-node and executor heartbeat

Unrelated in output (maybe?) but what are the sockjs-node errors, and then what is the new spam log heartbeat?

2018-07-20T02:04:41 [I|app|] Started GET "/sockjs-node/info?t=1532052280272" for at 2018-07-20 02:04:41 +0000
2018-07-20T02:04:41 [F|app|]   
2018-07-20T02:04:41 [F|app|] ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/sockjs-node/info"):
2018-07-20T02:04:41 [F|app|]   
2018-07-20T02:04:41 [F|app|] /home/vagrant/code/katello/lib/katello/prevent_json_parsing.rb:12:in `call'
2018-07-20T02:04:44 [I|app|]   Rendered /home/vagrant/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.4/gems/actionpack-5.1.6/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/templates/rescues/routing_error.html.erb within rescues/layout (2591.4ms)
2018-07-20T02:04:52 [D|dyn|39892] Executor heartbeat
2018-07-20T02:05:07 [D|dyn|39892] Executor heartbeat
2018-07-20T02:05:23 [D|dyn|39892] Executor heartbeat
2018-07-20T02:05:39 [D|dyn|39892] Executor heartbeat

The dynflow one is exactly what one would expect from heartbreat. The debug message is there on purpose and would get handy if there was some issue with it. I’m ok with setting the default dynflow log level to info

The dynflow logging can be reduced by setting more appropriate log level on dynflow logger. See

FYI @Justin_Sherrill, that raised this question recently as well