New Plugin: foreman_phpipam

Have you added belongs_to_proxy :phpipam? If so, has the subnet associated phpipam proxy?

This is a simple DB association, users set it in UI/API in Subnets - Edit - Proxies - DNS Proxy DHCP Proxy etc. You can only set those proxies which reports the features. It is a bit complicated, lemme try again:

  • Start a proxy with phpipam module (feature) so when you curl proxy/features you see this reported.
  • Add this proxy into Foreman using UI, existing one can refresh features with Refresh features button
  • Make sure the feature phpipam is detected
  • Now visit Subnet - Edit and associate the subnet to phpipam proxy
  • Now the association should be set and not nil
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That was the missing piece. I did not associate the subnet with the phpipam proxy. Once I did this, everything started working. Thanks @lzap!

Great, if you want to invest little bit more time into this, you can name the feature IPAM instead of phpIpam so it’s more generic. The same for proxy feature and API, so in the future the code can be extracted into module with multiple implementations.

Makes sense. I can definitely find some more time to make this more pluggable/extendable.

For what you are envisioning, the plugins themselves would be renamed to foreman_ipam and smart_proxy_ipam, and they would contain the implementations for phpIPAM, Netbox and other IPAM providers? We would then introduce 2 new models on the Foreman side:

  1. Ipam which would replace the IPAM::MODES constant(i.e. DHCP, Internal DB, Random DB etc.)
  2. IpamProvider, a one to many with Ipam. Providers would be phpIPAM, Netbox etc. This would be populated in a new dropdown on the create Subnet page, when the user selects IPAM(for IPAM).

The providers could then be enabled via config(or some other way?) on the plugin side, and the proxy plugin would provide an endpoint to Foreman to expose enabled IPAM providers?

Is what you are thinking from an implementation perspective? Just want to make sure we are on the same page.

I suggest you to carry on with what you are doing now, this was an idea for the future. If you would like to go this path, this would be probably best to merge into core. I suggest to go with a separate plugins, myipam only for now. After some time in full deployment feel free to get back to us and I will help you with merging the stuff into core.

Sounds good. I have renamed the plugins to IPAM, but the IPAM::MODES remains a constant until we revisit later. Just need to fix/write some tests, the add some docs, then will submit the PR.

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Thanks, just keep the (most) functionality as plugins which is a great way for incubating new code. Let’s revisit pushing this into core after some time. Ping me if you need any assistance or review.

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Hi @lzap,

I am running the Foreman test suite and am seeing 131 errors and 4 failed tests.

Below is an example error. All these errors are almost exactly the same(i.e. they contain Error: Component not found: ...), and are related to javascript errors. Perhaps I am maybe missing some gem/library etc. in my local dev environment? I have phantomjs, poltergeist, capybara-webkit and qt installed on a MAC running High Sierra.

For the failures, it doesn’t seem like the 4 failures below come as a result of my implementation, but of course I could be wrong. :wink: Also not sure what the state of the build is.

Any light you could shed on this would be great.


PtableJSTest#test_0003_make sure that ptable names with slashes and dots work:
Capybara::Poltergeist::JavascriptError: One or more errors were raised in the Javascript code on the page. If you don't care about these errors, you can ignore them by setting js_errors: false in your Poltergeist configuration (see documentation for details).

Error: Component not found: ReactApp among SearchBar, AutoComplete, DonutChart, StatisticsChartsList, PowerStatus, NotificationContainer, ToastNotifications, StorageContainer, PasswordStrength, BreadcrumbBar, FactChart, Pagination, Layout, EmptyState, BarChart, ChartBox, ComponentWrapper, ConfigReports, DiffModal, TemplateInput, RelativeDateTime, LongDateTime, ShortDateTime, IsoDate, DateTime, ModelsTable, AuditsPage, TemplateGenerator
Error: Component not found: ReactApp among SearchBar, AutoComplete, DonutChart, StatisticsChartsList, PowerStatus, NotificationContainer, ToastNotifications, StorageContainer, PasswordStrength, BreadcrumbBar, FactChart, Pagination, Layout, EmptyState, BarChart, ChartBox, ComponentWrapper, ConfigReports, DiffModal, TemplateInput, RelativeDateTime, LongDateTime, ShortDateTime, IsoDate, DateTime, ModelsTable, AuditsPage, TemplateGenerator
    at in getComponent
    at in markup
    at in mount
    test/integration/ptable_js_test.rb:24:in `block in <class:PtableJSTest>'


Failure #1:
Api::V2::RolesControllerTest#test_0013_org admin should not create roles by default [/Users/christopher.smith/Documents/development/opensource/foreman/test/controllers/api/v2/roles_controller_test.rb:252]:
--- expected
+++ actual
@@ -1 +1 @@
-"Missing one of the required permissions: create_roles"
+"Missing one of the required permissions: create_roles, create_roles"

Failure #2:
Api::V2::LocationsControllerTest#test_0036_org admin should not create locations by default [/Users/christopher.smith/Documents/development/opensource/foreman/test/controllers/api/v2/locations_controller_test.rb:407]:
--- expected
+++ actual
@@ -1 +1 @@
-"Missing one of the required permissions: create_locations"
+"Missing one of the required permissions: create_locations, create_locations"

Failure #3:
TemplateRenderJobTest::processing#test_0002_render report and delivers it to mail [/Users/christopher.smith/Documents/development/opensource/foreman/app/jobs/template_render_job.rb:13]:
unexpected invocation:{"foo" => "bar", "send_mail" => true, "mail_to" => "", "gzip" => true}, "result", {:start => 2019-06-10 11:16:02 -0400 (1560179762.908043 secs), :end => 2019-06-10 11:16:02 -0400 (1560179762.9080782 secs)})
unsatisfied expectations:
- expected exactly once, not yet invoked: #<Mock:mailer>.deliver_now(any_parameters)
- expected exactly once, not yet invoked: #<AnyInstance:ReportComposer>.report_filename(any_parameters)
- expected exactly once, not yet invoked:"", "report.gz", "result")
satisfied expectations:
- expected exactly once, invoked once: #<AnyInstance:ReportComposer>.render(any_parameters)

Failure #4:
AccessPermissionsTest#test_0780_route api/v2/fake_with_filename/index should have a permission that grants access [/Users/christopher.smith/Documents/development/opensource/foreman/test/unit/shared/access_permissions_test_base.rb:29]:
permission for api/v2/fake_with_filename/index not found, check access_permissions.rb.
Expected [] to not be empty.

I think I’ve seen them on CI, @tbrisker or @Marek_Hulan? The Capybara that one I haven’t seen yet, @ezr-ondrej?

not sure about the permissions one, but for the other one perhaps try deleting public/webpack/* and running rake webpack:compile. if that doesn’t help, it might also be some MacOS weirdness, perhaps @gilad215 ran into something similar?

That cleared up the 131 Capybara errors! Only seeing the 4 failed tests now.

Api::V2::RolesControllerTest#test_0013_org admin should not create roles by default [/Users/christopher.smith/Documents/development/opensource/foreman/test/controllers/api/v2/roles_controller_test.rb:252]:
--- expected
+++ actual
@@ -1 +1 @@
-"Missing one of the required permissions: create_roles"
+"Missing one of the required permissions: create_roles, create_roles"

Api::V2::LocationsControllerTest#test_0036_org admin should not create locations by default [/Users/christopher.smith/Documents/development/opensource/foreman/test/controllers/api/v2/locations_controller_test.rb:407]:
--- expected
+++ actual
@@ -1 +1 @@
-"Missing one of the required permissions: create_locations"
+"Missing one of the required permissions: create_locations, create_locations"

TemplateRenderJobTest::processing#test_0002_render report and delivers it to mail [/Users/christopher.smith/Documents/development/opensource/foreman/app/jobs/template_render_job.rb:13]:
unexpected invocation:{"foo" => "bar", "send_mail" => true, "mail_to" => "", "gzip" => true}, "result", {:start => 2019-06-11 11:55:20 -0400 (1560268520.4714398 secs), :end => 2019-06-11 11:55:20 -0400 (1560268520.471474 secs)})
unsatisfied expectations:
- expected exactly once, not yet invoked: #<Mock:mailer>.deliver_now(any_parameters)
- expected exactly once, not yet invoked: #<AnyInstance:ReportComposer>.report_filename(any_parameters)
- expected exactly once, not yet invoked:"", "report.gz", "result")
satisfied expectations:
- expected exactly once, invoked once: #<AnyInstance:ReportComposer>.render(any_parameters)

AccessPermissionsTest#test_0780_route api/v2/fake_with_filename/index should have a permission that grants access [/Users/christopher.smith/Documents/development/opensource/foreman/test/unit/shared/access_permissions_test_base.rb:29]:
permission for api/v2/fake_with_filename/index not found, check access_permissions.rb.
Expected [] to not be empty.

Thanks @tbrisker!

Frankly I am surprised that Foreman starts on MacOS. I know either smart proxy or foreman was not starting last time I tried.

You can either try start digging or just ignore these tests - your work will very unlikely affect them.

One more idea: try to migrate and reseed the database, admin is being assigned with some permissions which you might run twice?

I tried re-migrating and seeding the database, and still getting the same 4 failures.

Funny thing is that when I run the two roles and permissions test files individually, they are green, but fail when running the whole test suite.

bundle exec rails test test/controllers/api/v2/locations_controller_test.rb
bundle exec rails test test/controllers/api/v2/roles_controller_test.rb

Perhaps there are some tests that don’t clean up properly prior to these running?

I will try to dig a little more.

@lzap @tbrisker

I checked out the latest develop branch, and it seems the same 4 tests are failing there as well. I’m not sure if this has to do with my local setup or not, but I have proceeded with the PR anyway.

I have pushed the latest changes and submitted the PR for the phpIPAM Integration with Foreman in a new branch called plugin/foreman_ipam.

Here are the links to the Foreman Plugin repos, and published gems:

Git: GitHub - grizzthedj/foreman_ipam: Foreman plugin for integration with External IPAM providers
Gem: foreman_ipam | | your community gem host

Git: GitHub - grizzthedj/smart_proxy_ipam: Foreman Smart Proxy plugin for integration with External IPAM providers
Gem: smart_proxy_ipam | | your community gem host

There are more details on the features and functionality in the PR itself, but had a few questions regarding next steps.


  1. How does one integrate the install/setup of these plugins with the foreman-installer?
  2. How can we get this added to the list of supported Foreman/Proxy plugins?
  3. In terms of integration testing, is there a project that has integration tests for Foreman? There are some tests, but none that test the actual phpIPAM integration.
  4. Is there any available infrastructure(in the cloud or otherwise) where we can setup a small phpIPAM instance for integration testing purposes?

Feel free to reach out if I have missed anything here!



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This is a two step process:

  1. adding the plugins to the puppet-foreman and puppet-foreman_proxy modules. Examples can be seen here for foreman and here for proxy.
  2. once the modules are updated, adding them as installer options requires adding them to the answers file and creating a migration. example here

List of Plugins - Foreman is a wiki page that can be edited to add it, if you don’t have permission to do that send me a private message with your redmine username and I’ll fix it.
If you wish to transfer the plugin to the official theforeman organization under github, please reach out to me or one of the other org admins (preferably @ekohl (ewoud on irc) or @ehelms, though @ohadlevy and @Gwmngilfen may also be able to help if they have time) on IRC to facilitate it. We can also open a project on redmine for tracking issues if you prefer that to github.

We have a jenkins instance that is used to test many projects. The configuration for it is maintained under and should be hopefully not be too complicated to add jobs for the plugin based on examples from other plugins. @infra team should be able to help guide you here towards the best practices.

I’m not sure what it entails to spin up an instance, but we do have some tests that run vms as part of the testing process on our infra. If it’s something that can be automatically spun up in a vm or container as part of the testing process that’s likely possible. Deffering to @infra team again for further guidance.


Well then it smells, if you checkout develop locally do you see the same four tests failing?

I’ve reviewed your initial patch, keep it going. You are defining brand new Smart Proxy API (feature) here which is great, we like this design as it really paied off so far.

I checked out the latest develop branch locally, and the same 4 tests are failing there as well. Not sure if it is related to my local environment or not.

Thanks @lzap and @tbrisker for the feedback on the PR, and for answering the other questions. I will get cracking on those changes!

Probably a new thread with better subject could help, there are lot more devs here who might know.

For the record, the Foreman core part has been merged and will be in Foreman 2.1: