Nominating Avital Pinnick for Foreman documentation commit access

I’d like to nominate @apinnick for commit access to foreman-documentation. Avital has established herself as someone who regularly provides guidance on documentation best practices and actively engages in conversations to both share her insights and listen to others’ perspectives. She has submitted and finalized a number of non-trivial PRs and has provided peer review support on many more.

If you think there are good reasons not to grant access, please share them either publicly (here) or privately (email, Matrix). Otherwise, I suggest granting access in 2 weeks (2024-07-25).


:+1: from me

Congratulations, Avital!

Yes! +1 Thank you, Avital, for all your great work! :slight_smile:

I’ve gotten to know @apinnick as someone who thinks things through and communicates well with others while having plenty of (good) opinions on how things should be done. All qualities you look for in a maintainer so :+1: from me.

Thank-you! I am honored. :heart_eyes:

It’s been 2 weeks, so I’ve added @apinnick to the team. As a reminder, foreman-documentation/ at master · theforeman/foreman-documentation · GitHub documents the expectations on maintainers.