Hello team,
I would like to nominate @Bernhard_Suttner and @m-bucher for commit access into Katello. Bernhard and Markus have contributed frequently to Katello over the years and they essentially lead development of the Debian integration into Katello.
As of July 26th, Bernhard has authored 49 PRs and reviewed 47. Markus has authored 46 and reviewed 35. These numbers surpass our general benchmark of 10 PRs and 10 reviews and their contributions get created regularly.
By having two new maintainers who are well-versed in Katello Debian workflows, our Debian users should be able to enjoy fixes and features reaching them sooner. The whole project should benefit as well since more contributors will be available to give green reviews on pull requests.
I’ll keep this post open for a week or so to let people voice their opinions.