Old package version after CV rollback

Hello everyone,
im new to Foreman with Katello and im experimenting right now. So I got a Content View with multiple Versions with new and old packages. I got a Test Server in the prod enviroment (just for testing reasons). The prod env was promoted to the newest version and i updated the server with the new packages. Now im trying to rollback to the enviroment to a older version of the CV. If im understanding the documentation correctly the server should now have the older packages again. But that isnt the case. The server still have the newest packages version after the rollback. Am I doing something wrong or is there just no feature that makes this possible? Thank you for your help!

**Foreman and Katello versions: Newest version

**Distribution and version: CentOS 9

Hi @miwo

Changing what’s in your content view won’t affect any packages that are already installed on your host. So

  1. you install / upgrade some packages
  2. you roll back the host’s content view

In this case, the host will still have the upgraded packages installed. They will not be automatically downgraded. Rather, what will have changed is that your host no longer has access to install or upgrade to those packages. So, if you remove or downgrade them, you cannot install or upgrade them again.

Thank you for the fast response. So i have to downgrade those packages manually if they are faulty. Thats strange because i watched a Youtube video of Katello and this guy described this feature like I did above.