Openscap is not working in Katello

So can I comment off that part?

This is the error am getting now @jtruestedt

You could try to change the server-variable to http from https

Could you check if your ca in the config (/etc/foreman_scap_client/config.yaml) is set to


If so, could you try to add this ca-certificate to your trust and update the ca-trust. I guess you need to fix your ssl-issue to get this running.

This is what inside that that configuration file. It is not set to /etc/rhsm/ca/katello-server-ca.pem

Do you have a katello-server-ca.pem in this directory? Where does tthe redhat-uep.pem come from?

Are you using a foreman or a satellite?

I am using foreman.

oh wait, my bad


please try to set the katello-server-ca.pem in the variable for ca-cert and run again


what did you change before that it now cannot load the certs instead of giving the ssl-error?

I have done a ssh-keygen in my client machine. Should I delete that? @jtruestedt

Otherthan that, no changes made from my end @jtruestedt

are the client-cert and key still at /etc/pki/consumer/ ? maybe the permissions are wrong?

So In my client machine, I do not have anything inside /etc/pki/consumer
But in my server machine, I have both key.pem and cert.pem files.

You should have them on your client-machine as this is also used by the subscription-manager connecting for repositories to your katello. And those should come from the katello-consumer-package.

@jtruestedt I unregistered subscription manager and re-registred. Now we are back at the same error

which ca is used in the /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf? that should be the same as in the foreman_scap-config?

I can see this - key.pem and cert.pem files. in both client and foreman server now

@jtruestedt Outputs from client machine

