**Problem:OpenScap Scan - Cannot assign requested address
Expected outcome:
**Foreman and Proxy versions:Foreman 2.3 / Katello 3.18
Hi , When I try to run an openscap scan on a Debian 10 system the following error appeared.
On Red hat systems no issue occured.
I assumed cannot assign the smart proxy url to download the policy.
File /var/lib/openscap/content/87d79cdc86aad0135536f82e43ae5f702a499a24c54d265771fa1701d48bb4f8.xml is missing. Downloading it from proxy.
Download SCAP content xml from: https::9090/compliance/policies/2/content/87d79cdc86aad0135536f82e43ae5f702a499a24c54d265771fa1701d48bb4f8
SCAP content is missing and download failed with error: Failed to open TCP connection to :9090 (Cannot assign requested address - connect(2) for nil port 9090)
Exit status: 5
Any help appreciated.