Oracle KSplice Through Foreman?

Were predominantly an Oracle shop, and rely on KSplice through Oracle Spacewalk/OLM. We’d like to migrate to Foreman/Katello, but haven’t had an opportunity to test whether KSplice will work through Foreman/Katello. Does anyone know if its possible to use KSplice through Foreman Katello?

I don’t know what the requirements for “KSplice to work” are, but it may be of use for you to know that Katello supports synchronizing from Oracle ULN repos. I did not find any relevant guide in the Foreman documentation, but you can have a look at the following downstream product documentation: Importing Content - orcharhino documentation

Hi @Zeeeee and welcome to the Foreman Community.

We don’t have community documentation on using KSplice with Foreman. In orcharhino documentation, you can see how to enable Ksplice on Oracle Linux.