Override Parameters to provisionning template


I’m trying to overide a provisionning template variable during the host creation with parameters.
The is never overrided I always get de default value on the provisionning template.

Expected outcome:

The parameter should be overided and use in the provisionning template

Foreman and Proxy versions:

All node in 1.24.2

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

No plugin

Distribution and version:

No idea

Other relevant data:

The revelent part of the provisionning template is here :

      - '<%= pwsh %> -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command " & D:\_init\scripts\initWindows.ps1 -proxy ''<%= host_param('proxy') %>'' "'
      - '<%= pwsh %> -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command " & D:\_init\scripts\initForeman.ps1 -proxy ''<%= host_param('proxy') %>'' "'
      - '<%= pwsh %> -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command " & D:\_init\scripts\initChocolatey.ps1 -proxy ''<%= host_param('proxy') %>'' "'
      - '<%= pwsh %> -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command " & D:\_init\scripts\initGlpi.ps1 -GLPIUsrToken ''<%= host_param('GLPIUsrToken') %>'' -GLPISrvTags ''<%= host_param('GLPISrvTags') %>'' "'
      - '<%= pwsh %> -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command " Restart-Computer -Force "'
      - '<%= pwsh %> -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command " Get-WUInstall –AcceptAll –AutoReboot "'
      - '<%= pwsh %> -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command " Restart-Computer -Force "'

In the template I have the variable <%= host_param('GLPISrvTags') %>
When I try to override the default value type,environnement,application with something else

The value is never replaced in the provisionning template and I always get the initial default value during my powershell script call