oVirt integration into Foreman 3.8

Problem: Unable to find plugin for ovirt when using --enable-foreman-plugin-ovirt-provision and/or --enable-foreman-compute-ovirt

Expected outcome: Foreman provisions and puppet manages hosts located in ovirt

Foreman and Proxy versions: 3.9

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions: N/A

Distribution and version: N/A

Other relevant data:
When I attempt to do a foreman-installer --enable-foreman-plugin-ovirt-provision --enable-foreman-compute-ovirt as suggested in the 3.8 installation guide, I get an error saying the rubygem-ovirt_provision_plugin is missing. Looking at https://yum.theforeman.org/plugins/3.8/el8/x86_64/ I can see that it isn’t there. But I can see the gem ovirt_provision_plugin does exist. Going back to Foreman 2.0 I can see that this rubygem does exist.

How do I achieve my expected outcome with Foreman 3.8 (or 3.9)? Is this no longer possible?

Thank you for your help

Hi @Nasica

This seems to be an issue in the docs. Can you try foreman-installer --enable-foreman-compute-ovirt and report back? I will open a PR in foreman-documentation.

Does this argument install a plugin?
Because https://yum.theforeman.org/plugins/3.8/el8/x86_64/ does not contain any reference to oVirt (just using a ctrl+f for oVirt from the webpage).

(I will try when I am back at my dev box tomorrow though, thank you)

Compute Resources are technically no plugins, so you find the packages in https://yum.theforeman.org/releases/3.8/el8/x86_64/, package name is foreman-ovirt.

new docs: Installing the oVirt plug-in

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