Partition Error installing ubuntu22

I am trying to provision a ubuntu 22.04.2 with foreman (3.4.1)
The machine i wish to provision has 2 os disk that i am creating a software raid from them
sometimes the installation fails and crating a partition on the second disk (/dev/sdb)
this is my config:

      - id: sda
        type: disk
        ptable: msdos
        path: /dev/sda
        wipe: superblock
        preserve: false
        wipe: superblock
        name: main_disk
        grub_device: true
      - id: sdb
        type: disk
        ptable: msdos
        path: /dev/sdb
        wipe: superblock
        preserve: false
        name: secondry_disk
        wipe: superblock
        grub_device: true
      - id: sda1
        type: partition
        size: 300M
        device: sda
        flag: boot
        number: 1
        preserve: false
        wipe: superblock
      - id: sda2
        type: partition
        size: 99%
        device: sda
        number: 2
        preserve: false
        wipe: superblock
      - id: sdb1
        type: partition
        size: 300M
        device: sdb
        flag: boot
        number: 3
        preserve: false
        wipe: superblock
      - id: sdb2
        type: partition
        size: 99%
        device: sdb
        number: 4
        preserve: false
        wipe: superblock
      - id: mddevice0
        type: raid
        name: md0
        raidlevel: 1
        preserve: false
        wipe: superblock-recursive
        devices: [sda1, sdb1]
        ptable: msdos
      - id: mddevice1
        type: raid
        name: md1
        raidlevel: 1
        devices: [sda2, sdb2]
        wipe: superblock-recursive
        ptable: msdos
        preserve: false
      - id: vg-cloud
        name: cloud
        type: lvm_volgroup
          - mddevice1
        preserve: false      
      - id: lvm-root
        name: root
        size: 10G
        type: lvm_partition
        volgroup: vg-cloud
        preserve: false
      - id: lvm-swap
        name: swap
        size: 8G
        type: lvm_partition
        volgroup: vg-cloud
        preserve: false
      - id: lvm-cloud
        name: cloud
        size: 75%
        type: lvm_partition
        volgroup: vg-cloud
        preserve: false
      - id: lvm-home
        name: home
        size: 40G
        type: lvm_partition
        volgroup: vg-cloud
        preserve: false
      - id: lvm-opt
        name: opt
        size: 10G
        type: lvm_partition
        volgroup: vg-cloud
        preserve: false
      - id: lvm-var
        name: var
        size: 30G
        type: lvm_partition
        volgroup: vg-cloud
        preserve: false
      - id: boot_sda1
        type: format
        fstype: ext4
        volume: mddevice0
        preserve: false
      - id: lvm-root-fs
        type: format
        fstype: ext4
        volume: lvm-root
        preserve: false
      - id: lvm-swap-fs
        type: format
        fstype: swap
        volume: lvm-swap
        preserve: false
      - id: lvm-cloud-fs
        type: format
        fstype: ext4
        volume: lvm-cloud
        preserve: false
      - id: lvm-home-fs
        type: format
        fstype: ext4
        volume: lvm-home
        preserve: false
      - id: lvm-opt-fs
        type: format
        fstype: ext4
        volume: lvm-opt
        preserve: false
      - id: lvm-var-fs
        type: format
        fstype: ext4
        volume: lvm-var
        preserve: false
      - id: lvm-root-mount
        type: mount
        path: /
        device: lvm-root-fs
      - id: lvm-swap-mount
        type: mount
        path: none
        device: lvm-swap-fs  
      - id: lvm-cloud-mount
        type: mount
        path: /cloud
        device: lvm-cloud-fs  
      - id: lvm-opt-mount
        type: mount
        path: /opt
        device: lvm-opt-fs
      - id: lvm-home-mount
        type: mount
        path: /home
        device: lvm-home-fs    
      - id: lvm-var-mount
        type: mount
        path: /var
        device: lvm-var-fs
      - id: boot-mount
        type: mount
        device: boot_sda1
        path: /boot 

from /var/log/installaer/ I get: failed configuring partition sdb1

Is there a known issue with foreman 3.4.1 and ubuntu22 ? whould i perhaps upgrade foreman ?

would appreciate your response
